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Hi! I'm Heather. Thanks for stopping by my rainbow planet of whacky weirdness! I have been creative my entire life. Since I was a kid, I loved painting, coloring, jewelry making and making new things out of old things which turned into a world of upcycling clothing. I was always attracted to bright, rainbow, neon colors which explains my love for Lisa Frank who is a big inspiration to my work. I grew up as a very intuitive and empathetic child in Ohio. I always had a very soft spot for animals and all things living which eventually led to my animal rights activism work. I have always had a close connection to the Earth around me and realized early on that the Earth gave me life. I spent my childhood, barefoot and outside as much as I could. During my preteen years, I found my love for live music after attending my first concert at age 12. Since then, I have traveled to many states to see thousands of live concerts. I funded my earlier travels by selling hemp jewelry online and on the road with my partner, Dave. Hemp jewelry making evolved into upcycling clothing with Grateful Dead patches which evolved into my own designs onto clothing hand made from scratch. When I first started sewing, I didn't plan to make money from it at all. Most of my very first pieces went to friends, gifts or trades. Over the years, it eventually spiraled into this rainbow world of recycled, solar powered wearable art that you see today. I spend most of my days still listening to the Grateful Dead, cutting fabric and sewing as well as being a mom our toddler, Ace Kesey, who we had right in the comfort of our living room. We settled down in Michigan but still boogie on summer tour as a family!   

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